本公司供应化工洗涤剂瓶测漏机 厂家价格,品牌冠盈,型号GY-LT02R-C。参数为:类型:其它,检测系统:精密气压检漏系列,电源电压:220/V,工作温度:0-40/℃,尺寸:1500*1680*550/mm。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。冠盈科技专业检漏机研发制造商,检漏行业知名品牌。开发专用于化工洗涤剂瓶等塑料包装容器气密性检漏设备。品质精良,核心技术是我们优胜的法宝。本系列属经济标准型,采用中等配置为适应低投资方案的客户提供最理想的选择。高性价比,价格适宜,品质不变,继续保持高速高精度的品质。是塑料包装吹瓶厂家等化工洗涤系列泄漏检测的最好选择,作为产品质量的最终控制,最大限度降低客户对产品的投诉,提高产品的档次及客户美誉度。适宜1L到8L等不同容量不同种类的塑料包装容器的气密性测试。
Guanying technology professional leak detection machine manufacturers, leak detection industry well-known brands. The development of special chemical detergent bottles and other plastic packaging container air tightness detection equipment. Excellent quality, the core technology is a magic weapon that we better. This series belongs to economic standard, the medium configuration to adapt to low investment scheme to provide customers the most ideal choice. The high performance to price ratio, reasonable price, same quality, continue to maintain high-speed high-precision quality. Plastic packaging bottle blowing factory of chemical washing series the best choice of leak detection, as the ultimate control of product quality, reduce customer complaints, improve product quality and customer reputation. Suitable for air tightness test 1L to 8L different capacity of different types of plastic packaging containers.